Golden Miniature Rhyton from Persian Empire Detected in Iran

Derinlik: 0.7 m (2.3 ft)
Bölge: Kermanshah, Iran
Boyut: 6 x 7 cm | 2.4" x 2.8"
Ağırlık: 13 g | 0.46 oz

The long-range gold detector Bionic 01 and the undercover metal detector Rover UC, a 3D ground scanner controlled by an Android smartphone, have been used by Iranian treasure hunters from Kermanshah to locate a golden miniature rhyton, some oil lamps as well as several ancient coins from the Persian Empire.

The golden miniature rhyton detected with gold detector Bionic 01 and 3D ground scanner Rover UC.
The rhyton has been found in Iran, the former Persian Empire, and is made of pure gold.

Rhytons were very common in ancient Persia, where they were called takuk. A lot of gold and silver artifacts as well as other luxuries, including numerous rhytons, were brought to Greece after a victory against the Persian Empire. From that time on rhytons became very popular in ancient Greece too.

The detected miniature rhyton from Iran has a size of 6 x 7 cm (2.4 x 2.8 in), weights 13 gramms and has been found in a depth of 70 cm (27.6 in). The place of detection is in Kermanshah, the west part of Iran.

Besides the golden rhyton several ancient coins has been found.
Coins Lamps Iran Persia W0 I351
Also this ancient oil lamps has been discovered with the OKM metal detectors.

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Gold Coins Detected with Bionic X4
Ekim 02, 2023

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Rover UC detects copper coins in Iran
Şubat 17, 2017

Rover UC detects copper coins in Iran

Rover UC detects copper coins in Iran in 4 m depth.

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