Future I-160 (2001-2017)

Şubat 21, 2017
This product has been updated. View the current product version: OKM eXp 6000

Future I-160 is a metal detector that allows to detect different ground structures and natural features of the ground. It is a professional metal detecting instrument with a unique multi-sensor antenna with 16 sensors.

Future I-160 is a high-resolution metal detector and ground scanner that provides a detailed analysis of the measured results in 3D. It conteins 16 elliptical area multipoint sensors (EAMS) with a resolution of 0,015 uT and a sampling rate of 50 Hz. This very unique multi-sensor array is able to reflect scanned ground data in a graphical representation within the Visualizer 3D software. Thus, the device is able to detect different structures and natural features of the ground:

  • metal canisters, tanks, boxes
  • voids, backfillings, grave chambers, caves and tombs
  • steel pipes and water conduits
  • water deposits
OKM Future I-160 detecting Pipines
Pipe detection with Future I-160: The Future I-160 metal detector detects steel pipelines, water pipes, storm drains and gas pipes

Categorization within product range

The Future I-160 metal detector is a professional measuring instrument with a very high resolution antenna of 50 cm width. Compared to the Future 2005 with its 100 cm antenna, the Future I-160 has a four-times higher density of measured data. Compared to the Earth Imagers with 16-times lower resolution, the device is most suitable for the professional archeological and industrial use. This fact is reflected also in the graphical representation generated by the software Visualizer 3D.

Determination of the size and depth of objects

OKM two treasure hunters testing the Future I-160
Application of Future I-160: The Future I-160 metal detector is used to locate underground utilities and get measurement results immediately.

Detailed graphics are the basis for an exact determination of the size and depth of objects. Because of the compact form of the antenna the device is not only usable for the measurement in even ground conditions. Besides the usual graphical representation, the device provides two more particularities. On the one hand it makes buried object immediately visible with the horizontal live picture, on the other hand a typified ultrasound scan can be created with the vertical antenna.

Functionalities of the Future I-160

Thanks to the integrated microprocessor technology, ground balance, depth measurement and data storage is performed automatically by the Future I-160 metal detector. The measured data can be analyzed on the computer screen via three-dimensional images that are generated by the included Visualizer 3D software.

This product has been updated. View the current product version: OKM eXp 6000

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