Detect and Stop Counterfeits

Over the last years, lots of replicas, counterfeits and fake detectors have been introduced to markets. Many plagiarists pretend to manufacture detectors "Made in Germany", but produce cheap replicas that do not work properly.

OKM's goal is to remove fake products in order to ensure that our customers obtain only genuine products of highest quality.

Known Counterfeit Products

OKM detectors have unique security features by which genuine and fake products can be distinguished. To protect our devices, we can of course not publish these identifiers.

However, it is important for us to educate our customers of counterfeits. Thus, the following collection is intended to help you identify pirate copies and counterfeits.

Fake OKM detector
Fake eXp 6000, reported in April 2022: Check our product catalog online to make sure this device even exists and looks similar.
Fake OKM detector
Fake OKM detector, reported in April 2022: Pay attention to the product quality and packaging!
Fake OKM detector
Fake OKM detector, reported in April 2022: Pay attention to the product quality and packaging!
Fake OKM detector
Fake OKM detector, reported in April 2022: Pay attention to the product quality and packaging!
Verify Your OKM Detector
Fake OKM detector
Fake OKM detector, reported in April 2022: Check our product catalog online to make sure this OKM device even exists!
Fake OKM detector
Fake OKM detector, reported in April 2022: Even if you follow the link to our original website, make sure the device is available and looks like the products in our store! If you are not sure, have the product verified by OKM before buying it!
Fake OKM detector
Fake OKM detector, reported in April 2022: Check our product catalog online and buy from authorized dealers only!
Buy from Authorized Dealers
Fake OKM detector
Fake Rover CII, reported in January 2022: Pay attention to the quality of the product!
Fake OKM detector
Fake Rover C II, reported in January 2022: Beware of old logos and fake contact information!
Even though the link will lead you to our OKM website: Make sure that this device is even listed in our store!
Fake OKM detector
Fake Rover C II, reported in January 2022: Looks similar, but does it work? Test the detector before you buy it!
Fake OKM detector
Fake Rover C II, reported in January 2022: Looks similar, but does it work? Test the detector before you buy it!
Fake OKM detector
Fake Rover C II, reported in January 2022: Pay attention to the quality of the product!
Fake OKM detector
Fake Rover C II, reported in January 2022: Pay attention to the quality of the product!
Report Fake Products
Fake OKM detector
Fake OKM detector, reported in 2021: Pay attention to the quality, label and contact information! If you are note sure, have the detector verified by OKM before you buy it!
Fake OKM detector
Fake OKM detector, reported in 2021: Pay attention to the quality, label and contact information! OKM and its official dealers will only provide guarantee and warranty for genuine devices!
Fake OKM detector
Fake OKM detector, reported in 2021: Pay attention to the quality, label and contact information! Prefer buying your device from OKM's official dealers!
Buy from Authorized Dealers
Counterfeit of OKM detector Fusion Light
Fake Fusion Light found in Iran, reported in January 2022: Pay attention to the quality of the product!
Counterfeit of OKM detector Fusion Light
Fake Fusion Light found in Iran, reported in January 2022: Pay attention to the information on the label!
Verify Your OKM Detector
Counterfeit of OKM detector eXp 4500
Fake OKM product: Beware of low-quality transport cases and exaggerated advertising!
Report Fake Products
Counterfeit of OKM detector eXp 4500
Fake eXp 4500: Pay attention to the quality of the product and correct packaging - reported in 2020
Fake OKM detector
Fake OKM product reported in January 2022: OKM's current products do definitely not look like this!
Fake OKM detector
Fake OKM product - reported in 2021
Fake OKM detector
Fake OKM packaging - reported in January 2022
Report Fake Products
Counterfeit of OKM detector eXp 4500
Fake eXp 4500: Pay attention to the quality of the product and correct packaging - reported in 2020
Counterfeit of OKM detector eXp 4500
Fake eXp 4500: Pay attention to the quality of the product and the label!
Counterfeit of OKM detector eXp 4500
Fake eXp 4500: Beware of fake information on the label! Spelling errors and phone numbers other than OKM's +49 3447 499 300 0 are clear warning signals!
Verify Your OKM Detector
Counterfeit of OKM detector
Fake Future 2020: Pay attention to the product quality, labels and packaging!
Counterfeit of OKM detector
Fake Future 2020: Pay attention to the product quality, labels and packaging!
Report Fake Products
Counterfeit of OKM detector eXp 4500
Fake eXp 4500: Pay attention to the logo and correctness of information on the product labels! Spelling errors and phone numbers other than OKM's +49 3447 499 300 0 are clear warning signals!
Verify Your OKM Detector
Counterfeit of OKM Super Sensor
Fake Super Sensor: Pay attention to the quality and the labels!
Counterfeit of OKM Super Sensor
Fake Super Sensor: Pay attention to the quality and the labels!
Counterfeit of OKM detector eXp 6000
Fake eXp 6000 reported by OKM Turkey in 2022: Pay attention to the product quality, device name and labels!
Counterfeit of OKM detector eXp 6000
Fake eXp 6000 reported by OKM Turkey in 2022: Pay attention to the product quality, device name and software design!
Fake OKM product
Fake product reported by OKM Turkey in 2022: Pay attention to the product quality and software design!
Counterfeit of OKM detector Bionic
Fake Bionic X4 reported by OKM Turkey in 2022: Pay attention to the product quality!
Verify Your OKM Detector
Counterfeit of OKM georadar Gepard GPR 3D
Fake GPR 3D reported by OKM Turkey in 2022: Pay attention to the product quality!
Fake OKM georadar
Fake product reported by OKM Turkey in 2022: Pay attention to the product quality, brand and device names!
Fake OKM Detection Software
Fake OKM Detection Software reported by OKM Turkey in 2022

Report Counterfeits

Help us to protect OKM detectors and ground scanners against fraudsters! With your support, fake products can be removed from marketplaces and counterfeit sellers can be stopped.

You own a detector and want to make sure it's a genuine OKM

Verify Your OKM Detector

You want to buy a detector and would like to make sure it's a genuine OKM

You have come across an alleged fake product or know a counterfeit seller?

Report suspicious cases using the form below! We are grateful for any hints and will get back to you as soon as possible.