Treasure hunters find great treasure with ground scanner OKM Evolution

تم اكتشافها مع Evolution (2010-2017)
العمق: 0.5 m (1.6 ft)
المنطقة: South America
الحجم: 4 cm | 1.6" (H)

الوزن: 300 g | 10.6 oz

This search project had the best conditions that are required for a successful treasure hunt:

While some volunteers fixed strings, another treasure hunter scanned path after path of the marked area with the treasure detector OKM Evolution. The strings are used to precisely determine the size of the scan field and to keep straight scan paths while walking. This procedure not only simplifies the use of the detector, but also allows to perform the measurement more precisely and quickly.

Treasure detector Evolution measurement, somewhere in South America
Measurement with OKM Evolution: Strings help to perform the scan more accurately
Ground Scan with treasure detector Evolution, somewhere in South America
Further Ground Scan with OKM Evolution: Treasure hunting is even more efficient with dedicated helpers

Ground Scan Analysis

After transferring the scan data to the Windows notebook, the scan images can be analyzed in more detail. The scan data read in by the 3D detection software Visualizer 3D not only show potential finds, but can also help to determine find depths with the help of various optimizations and additional options. The available scan data show finds at depths down to 50 cm. Further finds prove that OKM treasure detectors such as the Evolution NTX can detect objects at even greater depths.

Treasure detection with OKM ground scanner
Scan data transfer: After transferring the scan files to the notebook, the scan images can be analyzed in detail in the OKM detection software.
Treasure detection and scan analysis with OKM ground scanner and detection software
Visualization of detected target: OKM's detection software Visualizer 3D generates visual representations of the scan data.

Treasure detection and scan analysis with OKM ground scanner and detection software
Scan image in 2D: OKM's detection software allows to determine the size and depth of detected objects.
Treasure detection and scan analysis with OKM ground scanner and detection software
Scan image in 3D: OKM's detection software Visualizer 3D generates a visual representations of the scan data in 3D.
3D Ground Scan analysis in OKM Detection Software
Coin treasure found with OKM detector
Coin treasure found with OKM detector

If this treasure hunter team already suspected at the beginning of the search that they would find a coin hoard here? The joy and enthusiasm grew with every excavated coin, until finally the entire bowl was filled with coins.

The hoard of coins should not remain the only find.

Treasure found with OKM detector
Coin treasure found with OKM detector
Successful treasure hunters: The happy team presents its coin treasure, discovered in about 50 cm depth with OKM ground scanner Evolution.

Treasure Hunters Follow the Traces of El Dorado

After further ground measurements, the team of treasure hunters finally came across this large gold treasure. The gold statues found show many different characters and scenes: Animals, humans, gods and fantasy figures. The statues and relics are up to 4 cm high, some of them weigh up to 300 g.

Gold statues detected in South America
Gold statues detected in South America
Gold statues detected in South America
Gold statues detected in South America
Gold statues detected in South America
Gold artifacts detected in South America
Gold artifacts detected in South America
Gold artifacts detected in South America
Gold statues detected in South America

Whether the finds are gold objects from the legendary El Dorado or previously hidden treasures of the Incas has not yet been clarified. We leave this assessment to experts. 

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No matter how valuable the gold objects are, for the treasure hunting team this discovery is priceless!

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