Rover UC Detects 500-Year-Old Silver Ingot in China

العمق: 5.0 m (16.4 ft)
المنطقة: China
التصنيف الزمني: 16th century


The OKM Rover UC 3D ground scanner already located a lot of hidden treasures all over the world. It is an Undercover Detector which detects buried metal targets like gold and silver treasures as well as underground cavities like tunnels and chamber tombs.

This time an ambitious treasure hunter found an ancient silver ingot in China with his OKM Rover UC. With his powerful 3D detector he located the valuable target in 5 meters depth. The object is a 500 year old sycee which was a former currency used in China since the 3rd century BC until the 20th century AD. The shape and details on each ingot were variable. Square and oval shapes were common, but also boat, flower and tortoise are known.

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