Treasure trove

14 مايو 2020
OKM Glossary

➤ Treasure troves supply a collection or store of valuable objects. Whether in castles and palaces or within the walls of places of worship, state treasures and church treasures were and are particularly carefully guarded in chambers and treasure troves.

Knights Templar Treasure Hunt: Archaeological Expedition to Poland
01 يونيو 2022

Knights Templar Treasure Hunt: Archaeological Expedition to Poland

OKM followed an expedition to Poland searching the underground near and in the church for graves of the Knights Templar. ...

Ghost Towns
14 مايو 2020

Ghost Towns

➤ Ghost towns are abandoned, uninhabited settlements. Typical ghost settlements consist of slowly decaying buildings. In the deserted places, numerous ...

French Archaeologist Discovers Secret Door of Machu Picchu with OKM Rover C II
27 فبراير 2013

عالمة الآثار الفرنسية تكتشف الباب السري لماتشو بيتشو بواسطة روفر سي 2 من أوكم

عالم آثار يكتشف حجرة جديدة تحت الأرض في مدينة ماتشو بيتشو في بيرو في مدينة الإنكا ماتشو بيتشو في بيرو ...

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